Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 22

Weight: 172.8. No change. That seems like a miracle after my decadence last night. Maybe I need to put new batteries in the scale. No work today, yay Veterans! I slept awesome and am super happy to have a 3 day weekend in store for me.

I was planning to juice fast today, but there is an epic windstorm coming in and instead i feel like today is a good day for a soup fast. LOL. Plus I just got Heidi Swanson's Super Natural Every Day cookbook from the library and it seems like a good day for epic cooking. Sigh. How will I ever lose weight?

My skin has been breaking out this week and I really can't figure out why. Plus i've felt pretty emotional. I am no where near the end of my cycle, so i'm at a loss. Need to be more focused on washing face when i get home from work.

Set out to make two juices this morning, but still seriously dreaming of cooking soups and roasted vegetables. Plus I do need to clear out the fridge of veggies before I can shop again, so really I should cook a lot today. LOL.

Breakfast - Cranapple
2 cups cranberries - 3 apples - 1 carrot
So divinely good. Will be tough to settle for Oceanspray in the future. Half way through my bag of cranberries from costco and may buy more!

The green juice I made should be more interesting than usual - first off it had a touch of cranapple in it, then i tried out a little bell pepper and used melon instead of apple and it gave me some ideas for trying again with mojito juice, but right now i am super burnt out on juicing. that took forever.

I decided to finish up the mystery novel i'd been reading before doing anything else today. it's perfect for the windy weather. Though it was a good book, there was all sorts of dining and drinking in it. I finished it wanting a big glass of wine and some real food. I decide onion soup is a good compromise and set out to make it.

Lunch - onion soup, wine
The soup I made was super good, but I had a gut reaction to it that kept me busy in the bathroom the rest of the day. Sorry for the TMI, but this soup seems to be the secret for relieving slow elimination!!

I never end up having the juice I made this morning, but instead give into the pull of cooking projects. I make lentil soup and roasted root vegetables. Two of my top comfort foods. I also decide I desperately need some cheese in my life after the effect of the onion soup.

Dinner - grilled cheese, lentil soup, roasted roots, wine, beer.

Ok - so not the uber healthy juice fasting day I had planned, but it was relaxing and cozy. All that crankiness i've been carrying around really dissipated. The trick will be to have a healthier day tomorrow. I need to get some chores done!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 22

Weight: 172.8. No change. Did not sleep well as was fretting about wallet etc and have been in a truly bad mood all day. I really should not be in a bad mood. I can only think it's because my follow through hasn't been so good lately and i am not losing any more weight.

Breakfast - Acai Berry Juice

We got the amazing good news that some beautiful stranger turned in my husband's wallet to building management and he got it back with all the cash inside it. A total miracle, yet negative nelly that i am this morning is focused on dealing with all our canceled cards. I need to focus on how incredible it is that someone was so honest and awesome. We are very lucky and live in a beautiful place.

Other reasons I should be happier today. It's sunny and I got to see my husband for a quick tea and hug as he picked up his wallet from the building management office. A hug which i really needed. So really life is good. Need to take note of that.

Late morning snack - kashi granola bar

Exercise - 3 mile jog with friend. Beautiful sunny fall day. Tried to linger as long as i could outside.

Lunch - Punjab Eggplant from Trader Joes.
Super yum, simple eggplant tomato vegan curry.

Snack - co-worker brought around A-MAZ-ING chocolate. not vegan. so so good. i resisted having a second one. and that was big.

I received a promo code to start up my old CSA again and went for it. So excited. Kinda getting bored of the same old veggies. Plus they have some cool green grocer items that look awesome. Can't wait for first delivery.

After work, we were off to our wine club mixer. I was hesitant to go as it's been a busy week and both of us were pretty worn out from the wallet debacle. But if we don't go, it's difficult to pick up our club wine. Traffic was super light and we arrived early and were able to grab some hummus and watch a bit of the game before hand. I thought I was full when we arrived to the mixer, but I was obsessed with getting snacks there and not vegan ones. I can only chock it up to being tired and feeling a bit out of place there as the friends we'd invited couldn't make it as they are sick and under a lot of stress. Despite all that once we got home and were enjoying our shows, both of us were super hungry again. This odd eating is a problem. i am not getting enough veg and i don't feel full because of it. By this time, my cooking interests weren't too healthy either.

Dinner - hummus, pita, veg, fried okra, wine, two small pastries, lots of little squares of cheese, one cracker, 3 nuts, a few bites of chocolate, wine tasting, cheese quesadilla, tomato, green onion, fried egg


Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 21

Weight: 172.8. Too much bread yesterday. Slept super soundly. Daylight savings has made me want to hibernate and eat major carbs. Instead I managed to rally enough to shred.

Exercise - 30 day shred Level 1

A little bored of this workout, maybe need to get Ripped in 30 instead. The cats think working out is fun.

Breakfast - Green juice
spinach - celery - apple - cucumber - carrot - lemon - ginger

This maybe had too much spinach? It didn't sit that well with me.

Early morning snack - banana. This calmed my stomach considerably.

Really want to go read my book in front of the fireplace all day. Instead I turn on my blue light therapy box and hope for the best.

Early lunch - left over red cabbage, onion, and snow pea stirfry.
Delicious and comforting and loaded with purple antioxidants. Ridiculously hungry today. Felt better after eating this, but am still super hungry and desire hibernation.

Exercise - Met my friend for a 3 mile jog. It's sunny out and I feel much much better after the run than i had all morning.

Late Lunch - edamame with salt. Super yum.

Really have a craving to go buy some thick soup somewhere and wish i could have taken my cat to work. It's very cold and i need something warm for my lap.

Afternoon snack - coconut water. So good. But craving french fries anyway. What is up with cravings all day?

Afternoon disaster - husband loses wallet. We spend an hour canceling stuff and then hurry over to a friend's game night potluck empty handed as we couldn't really buy anything re: canceled cards. Fortunately, there was plenty of food and vegan options. We had a great evening and felt really happy we went.

Dinner - quinoa with garbanzos, asian slaw, crackers, bean salad, wine

After we returned home, i was starved and whipped us up a quick cheese quesadilla. Not vegan. Damn. It was good though. And i had been super hungry all day.

Late night snack - quesadilla

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 20

Weight: 171.8. Wow partial juice fast and exercise did the trick. Need to keep the exercise up.

I have the inevitable wine headache this morning. I wish i could think a little more about the next day when i make the choice to indulge. Feeling annoyed at myself, but at least it was a great evening out with my man. Sometimes I think it would be good for me to have children so i could move on from my moment to moment living. I am big on instant gratification and i pay for it later all the time. This diet has me so purified too that over-indulgences really pack a punch the next day compared to before.

Breakfast - Acai Berry Juice

Morning Snack - 1/2 cup blueberries

Today is our office charity tricycle race. I am racing in it, so I did a little PR work this morning to try to get fundraising up. Donations i earn will go to PAWS, my favorite charity. I'm riding in a little red riding owl costume with racing stripe shirt and pants. My coworker made an owl for me to wear on my back and I used PAWS efforts with owls to promote them.

Pre-race jitters - one chocolate

I won my first heat! Only because my co-worker fell of her tricycle, but hey. I lost in the second. I tried to plan ahead on how i could participate in the potluck without it ruining my efforts. I organized a vegan pizza purchase and 3 of my co-workers opted to eat it with me. So that was good. The hard part was skipping out on the desserts, made by our resident amazing baking enthusiast. I feel like i've gained some valuable experience in doing social events in a healthier way though. I have also managed to avoid eating dessert in the office maybe 7 or 8 times.

Lunch - two slices vegan pizza, salad

After work Husband had a work happy hour, so I went to read at a different one. I was very tempted to order french fries or butternut ravioli, but stayed the course and had beet salad and the hummus plate, but also had some wine... husband was still hungry when we got home and I needed to use up a bunch of spinach and other greens. So I made some juice and cooked greens. I felt like I really needed some protein too, so I fried eggs for us. Sigh. Not vegan, but better than cheese. We did some much needed chores around the house and I fell asleep in front of the TV.

Dinner - Beet salad, Hummus and Pita, Greens and Egg.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Day 19

Weight: 174. Wow. Cheat day really took away some of my progress. I am still struggling with elimination and feeling heavy as well. At least I slept decently and woke up feeling more alert than I had all week. It was no problem to stick to my one snooze rule and even got us out of bed to start doing the shred again.

Exercise - Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred Level 1.

Felt really good to do that, but it is a butt kicker - literally. I wouldn't say i've regressed entirely from the last time i did it, but it was not as easy as it had gotten for me a few months ago. Really need to keep it up as this may help stop my metabolism from collapsing and ski season is around the corner.

Last night, my husband helped me make two kinds of juice for juice fasting today. Let's hope it goes well! And let's hope it undoes some of the bad things from my transition.

Breakfast - usual juice with pea shoots
carrot - apple - lemon - ginger - romaine - cucumber - celery. Don't know if pea shoots will make a difference, but still had some left and wanted to use them up.

Late morning snack - cran-apple
1.5 cups cranberries - 1 carrot - 2 apples. Loved this. Can't wait to make this again.

Exercise - doubling up today
Met my friend for a run and we plowed through 4 miles in the windy rain. Feeling pretty alive.

Lunch - same juice from breakfast

Am finding my energy level is quite good today. My coworker thinks it is because of the egg i ate Sunday, but maybe it's the juice?

Snack - coconut water

Uff da, began to hit the wall around 3:30 when i noticed daylight savings time effects. I flipped on my light therapy device and drank a coconut water. I think i did this too early because as soon as my timer flipped off for the end of the light therapy treatment, i noticed the sun set right in my eyes. SIGH. had to keep the light on a little longer. And now i am sitting here in the dark and i want the light back on again. Hmm. Will take some practice to get this right. So now it's 4:40 in the afternoon, it's dark outside, and I'm super hungry. My mind immediately goes to monday night football at the movie theater and the delicious pizza i had saturday night. cravings are on overdrive. hmm. this is a tough one because on the one hand i feel i proved myself today - juice until sunset and two hard workouts, but on the other hand if i go get pizza i may be up in weight tomorrow despite all my good work today.

My husband and I came up with a compromise plan - we went to happy hour near where we needed to turn in our ballots. I had a naked green salad and the hummus plate with pita. Delicious! Next time i think i will hold the pita, but this was a good compromise. However, I had more than one glass of wine. Afterward we went up to the movie theater to finish watching the game and then we played pool, which i hadn't done in years. It was really super fun. Great evening.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 18

Weight: 172.6. No change. Very lucky considering how much i indulged yesterday. Am up early at usual work time, only it's an hour earlier re: time change. Have headache and no desire to do anything. Should really go back to bed. Am feeling really conflicted. Today should be the day I juice fast and get back on track, but I also really want to eat fried eggs and watch football with a nice red beer. How do i balance that?

I feel a little out of control as I keep giving into my instant gratification desires, but it's so nice to just have a fun weekend. I am only a pound up from my lowest weight right now. But really this whole last week has not gone well for me. I wish I could figure out where I went wrong - i think it's when our house stuff piled up and i felt like i hadn't had any fun in a long time. And possibly me thinking that it's juicing that ruined the plumbing. I wonder if i just finish my weekend of fun and then try to figure out a way to juice fast on monday? Maybe I can fall back asleep.

Early breakfast - Acai Berry Juice

Tried to sleep more. No dice. Have decided to enjoy today, but plan ahead for the week. Am really thinking problems have stemmed from plumbing and allowing alcohol. Going to be much more careful about that. Plumbing is fear of washing the juicer, plus have dishwasher back and haven't gotten in the swing of emptying and refilling it to have clean juicer.

Morning snack - granola bar
New kashi brand, have been really wanting one for over a week now. It was great. Not too sweet.

    Thinking ahead for the week:
  • Monday - 100% juice fast day, bring different juices to work, have juice for dinner. Run with linsey and walk to ballot drop box. Do not have any wine.

  • Tuesday - Tricycle race day. Juice for breakfast. Limit to one slice vegan pizza at the lunch.
    All vegetable dinner. Make juice tonight. Do not have any wine.

  • Wednesday - Game night. Juice for breakfast. Vegetable lunch. Run with Maggie. Go to TJs and bring all vegetable thing to potluck. Try to stick to it as best can with potluck dinner. Do not have any wine.

  • Thursday - wine mixer night. Juice for breakfast. Vegetable lunch. Run with Maggie. Bring veggie snack to mixer. Only have the wine offered at mixer, don't open bottle.

  • Friday - juice fast day. Run on the treadmill or shred.

We watched football and I did have a few indulgences of the food i've been craving. Mostly I laid around and felt a tad bored and very lethargic with some guilty feelings.

Brunch - Greens with white beans, onion, and garlic. Fried egg, Good Seed Bread, Morningstar veggie sausage. So satisfying to eat this. Red beer.

My husband rallied us to do our basic chore list and that was awesome. I'm feeling like i have to quit football. It's so disappointing to watch our crappy team and fantasy has been a bit disappointing as of late as well. i don't like how it makes me second guess all my decisions.

Late lunch - Husband had two grilled cheese on good seed bread, one swiss, one cheddar. I had slivers of each of these (SO decadent) and the remainder of the beans and greens

Dinner - Red cabbage, with snow peas, garlic, onion, and ginger. Arugula, spinach, tomato, avocado salad. Steam roasted artichoke. Red wine.

Summarizing the cheats: alcohol, small amounts of cheese and butter, fried egg. The semi ok but processed foods: veggie sausage, granola bar. The transitional foods: 1.5 slices whole grain bread, white beans.

Not the worst cheat day in the world, but was very lethargic and didn't really exercise beyond chores. I just hope that can sustain me as i try to follow my plan for the week.

Not the worst

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Day 17

Weight: 172.6. Up again. I knew it would be as i just feel heavier. Fun night with too much wine equals headache in AM.

We woke up at our work day time and have no plans until 11. Did we shred? No.
I read and he watched an english comedy show.

Breakfast - Acai Berry Juice

Around 10, we rallied and got chores done around the house. Husband winterized - got extra suet out, put the heater in the bird bath, cleaned off the deck and put the "foam nipples" on the faucets. LOL. I wonder if he switched out the nest box with the winter roost as well. I did the dishes. Somehow his list seems way more impressive than mine. I decided I better eat something before our friends picked us up.

Brunch - Greens mix steamed sauteed with onion, garlic, and apprx 1/2 cup of white beans. Delicious. Trying to follow South Beach diet rules with my transition foods, but that is shortly out the window as we decide to have a red beer with brunch. I feel better after. Sigh.

We had the very exciting experience of being picked up by a boat! Our friends have just gotten one and are still keeping it in town as they learn how to maneuver it. We drove down to the boat launch and learned a bit about what it takes to operate a boat ourselves. After a few attempts, we get launched and are underway. It's a gorgeous fall day, bright with autumn colors. Simply glorious. We had fun touring around the lake, seeing amazing houses, the football facility, the airplane facility, and many sea planes. Plus the wintering birds are here! we saw Western Grebes and Ringbill Gulls. Yay!

We had so much fun touring around and then headed over to the adjacent lake to a local restaurant with a boat dock. I have always wanted to boat to happy hour there and i finally did it! Yay for bucket list days!

Lunch - edamame, organic greens mix, tapenade, hummus, one pita. They had champagne available on happy hour, delicious and so fun for a great boating day!.

We got back to the launch and managed to get the boat back up on the trailer. It was so fun and I look forward to learning more about boating. We may get to go on some overnight trips!

Once we got home, I felt a little restless. I didn't want to just cook and clean per usual. We flipped a coin and it landed on go out. So we headed over to the dinner movie theater near our house and saw Tower Heist. It was pretty fun, but not an excellent movie. I ordered the vegetarian pizza and asked for no cheese and had some more wine. Unfortunately, my pizza came with cheese and i couldn't really do anything about it in the dark movie theater, so I just ate it. Oh my god it was good. I really should have only eaten half of this pizza, but i just straight up devoured it. Wow.

Dinner - thin crust pizza with sun dried tomatoes, artichokes, spinach, garlic, and goat cheese.

So how did i do? Well i did not do the shred, but i was at least active. I did not stay vegan, but that wasn't totally my fault. I did not follow the south beach rules and had way too many portions of refined grain (pita and pizza dough - and a beer). I had too much to drink as well. Sigh. This is my biggest problem in dieting - balancing fun times and healthy choices. On the plus side I had two good servings of beans and two good servings of greens.

Day 16

Weight: 172.2. Up again. Getting super frustrated. Also had a bad sleep again. I did have a second bowl of my "pasta" last night, because i just found the first bowl to be unsatisfying. Things that could have contributed to my lack of success this week - sluggish metabolism, no elimination (aka #2), wine, considerably less exercise, and no juice days this week. Sigh. That is a lot of factors.

The reboot website only offers 15 day plans. Obviously the movie shows 60 day plans, but they have doctor supervision and i do not. I am seriously thinking about beginning my transition back and need to figure out what i want that to look like. As it is, i am feeling cranky, tired, and frustrated.

Tomorrow we have a social day planned that will involve dining with other people, sunday i could juice fast. Tuesday i arranged for a vegan lunch at work, but it will be vegan pizza which is not reboot friendly... Wednesday we are invited to a game night... That was supposed to be my actual last day. I could transition now by switching to a vegan diet for the rest of November. It makes Thanksgiving a hassle, or i could stop that day. I don't know what to do. Maybe if i mix it in with some juice days, i will still lose weight? I am afraid to stop, but also burning out on this diet. And I had hoped to lose a little more than 8 pounds. Sigh. I wish i knew what to do. I do think my husband and i will try to do the 30 day shred starting tomorrow and that shows promise.

Breakfast - 2 glasses juice
carrot - romaine - celery - cucumber - ginger - lemon - apple - cranberry
i reduced the amount of ginger and lemon, hoping this would get it's pizzazz from the cranberry, but i only noticed a slightly more tart flavor. have big bag of cranberries though, so will experiment more with this.

Late morning snack - banana

Lunch - "pasta" with roasted veg

Snack - 1/2 cup blueberries (gotta get those purple antioxidants in)

I've been lethargic today. I meant to run at lunch and couldn't muster the courage to go out in the rain. Feeling cold. Have extra cardigan on and am wearing pashmina as a lap blanket.

The more I think about it, the more I think some more protein is in order. My plan is to follow a vegan diet until Thanksgiving - with an emphasis on staying on the reboot as much as possible. I will definitely still juice and eat a lot of vegetables, but will add beans straight away. I will try to keep my grains, nuts, seeds, and tofu/tempeh/faux meat servings to a minimum.

Tomorrow my husband and I will also start Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and hope we can keep that going throughout the holidays. And I will try to get running more. I have 3 runs lined up next week and that should really help.

After work, we let off some steam at happy hour and played scopa. I had roasted beets, mixed greens with cucumber and tomato, a grilled portabello and more than one glass of wine. We laughed a lot. The sum total of my transitions for the day were apprx 5 walnuts on my beets and too much wine. But it felt so great to go out on friday night.

When we returned home, i was still a bit hungry and had a generous amount of roasted broccoli and more wine while we caught up on shows. I fell asleep in my husbands arms on the couch. It was a good night.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 15

Weight: 171.6. Down 2.2. Made sure to not overeat last night, but did forget to blog about a second dinner salad i had with pea shoots, arugula, and pear. I still ended up going to bed hungry after watching my shows and that kept me a bit restless and unable to sleep. Sigh. Will get this right one of these days. Skin is awesome post-facial. Very excited to use product samples.

Breakfast - 1 cup acai berry juice

Late morning snack - banana

Exercise - 3 mile walk

TMI, but my metabolism is definitely sluggish though as I haven't had the need to go number two for a few days... and it's 1:30 and I'm not that hungry after not having much sustenance today (see above), so definitely sluggish. I am going to eat any way though.

Lunch - 3/4s sweet potato, 1/2 cup roasted broccoli, 1 steam roasted artichoke with lemon.

Dinner - "pasta" with roasted veg again. Salad with avocado, tomato, arugula, and pea shoots. Really on the fence about pea shoots. I know sprouts are great for you, but these are kind of bland.

Was really tired tonight, but we did manage to have a normal night where we tidied up, had dinner, i made juice and we watched tv and hit the sack.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Day 14

Weight: 173.8. Up 2.2 pounds. It catches up to me. Sigh. I've been eating late and weird for like 5 days - to the point where I feel overly full after having been totally famished, plus i have now had a total of 5 glasses of wine in the last 3 days. I've been telling myself, I'm just being social. It's tricky, because I am tired of staying home and dieting by myself. Hopefully this uptick is just a blip.

I slept hard last night. It turns out I did so because our furnace never came on and it was only 30 degrees outside. Bloody hell. OK seriously - so far since the summer we have had to: replace our water main, replace our upstairs windows, get our electricity thoroughly examined and surge protected, get some rewiring done, replace our year-old dishwasher (electricity problem), have our kitchen drain snaked, replumb the garbage disposal connections, and have an air gap put in. Oh yeah, and a retaining wall built to help erosion from touching the outside of the house which was causing water to get in. oh yeah, and all the trees near the electric wire had to be seriously cut back. Is our house completely falling apart? It sure feels like it. Especially as I cuddle here with my hoody on.

Breakfast - Acai Berry Juice
didn't have time to make juice last night, so drank some juice from costco. I know pasteurized juice is discouraged, but i have read that acai berries are high in antioxidants and as i've mentioned, i am worried about getting the purple ones. It turns out this has agave syrup in it, so i kept my portion to 8 ounces.

Fortunately furnace was quick and covered by service contract and we were into work before 11.

Late morning snack - banana

Lunch - half sweet potato, 1 cup broccoli, and 1/2 cup blueberries (working hard on purple food).

Late afternoon snack - raw carrot

I had an evening facial - yay!! operation look younger is at least making me feel good. We went to happy hour right before as we were both starved and then my husband could hang out there an read.

Happy Hour - naked side salad, glass red

We got home early enough for me to have dinner at a semi-reasonable time. I focused on making extra stuff for tomorrow, but didn't have time to make juice.

Dinner - 1/4 sweet potato, 1/2 roasted broccoli, 1 artichoke - briefly steamed whole then cut in half and roasted for a bit. This was excellent, plus I read that artichokes are good antioxidants sources.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 13

Weight: 171.6. Same as yesterday. Lucky break with all of my indulgences yesterday (two dinners and wine).

I slept like sh*t. Wow. And I feel worse today than I did on any other day during the reboot. Retoxing feels far worse than detoxing. I can't believe how badly my head hurt all through the night and it kept me waking up regularly. I ended up taking 4 aspirin, 2 in the night, 2 in the morning and I still have a mild headache. My liver just couldn't handle it. Three glasses over four hours was not earth shattering to me before this, but I suppose it is for the best that I learn my lesson and stay away from the devil juice. So not worth it. Wow. And seriously, I need to have learned my lesson. It's a slippery slope. A tiny cheat on Sunday and a big cheat on Monday... I need to reiterate to myself that I have not given myself carte blanch to cheat now.

Breakfast - the usual with kale instead of cucumber
Carrots - celery - romaine - apple - lemon - ginger - kale
I had this mixed with a little left over licorice green juice. Pretty good. Realize now that in my spaciness this morning, i only had half and the other half is in my to go cup in the fridge. GRR. mad at self. Will have packet of Greens to Go instead.

Late morning snack - banana. I love bananas.

Exercise - Jog 3 miles
Pretty slow, but still not feeling fabulous. Could just be the sleep problems now?

Lunch - "pasta" with roasted veg from last night.

Read in the Washington Post that studies show one glass of red wine helps dieters succeed. Right next to the article that states one glass of red wine a day increases your risk of breast cancer. Huh. Well these are things to keep in mind. If i ever have a strong urge to cheat again - it's gotta be red, and it's gotta be only one. The problem with the after affects is that it stays on your mind.

It was an errand day. After work we planned to hit the bank, costco, and the library. We stopped at our usual happy hour spot so that we didn't have to do all these errands hungry. Husband got a veggie burger, fries, and two beers. I got a side salad with nothing on it and a glass of red. Bad again, but honestly it took the edge off and I'm all right with it.

Snack - naked side salad, glass of red

The rest of our errands took forever and by the time we'd unloaded the car. It was 9 and I was terrifically hungry and on the verge of diving into the granola bars. I couldn't think of anything fast to make, so heated up sweet potato and broccoli in the oven. I got to eat it around 10 and in the meantime drank the juice i was meant to have this morning. i wanted to save it for tomorrow, but i don't think it really keeps that long and it didn't taste nearly as fresh tonight. By the time i actually ate, it was late. I ate all the broccoli and half the sweet potato and just that made me feel fuller than i've felt this entire diet. Like stomach hurt full.

Dinner - Juice from this AM, half Sweet Potato, 2-3 cups broccoli

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Day 12

Weight: 171.6. Yay! So close to surpassing previous successes now. 8.8 lbs down total and 0.6 from yesterday.

Breakfast - usual juice. Am already running out of veg. As much as i enjoy the juice, i am worried about its affect on our plumbing as well as alarmed at the number of veggies we have to buy. But wow it works. I am really down in weight and my skin is looking really good. Since i am off today, i hope to juice fast the whole day again, but this might depend on the plumber...

Ok update on plumbing - juicing is a contributing factor in our plumbing problem. We had some drain routing issues (fixed last week), plus i have been juicing regularly since January because i like it (which is what made this diet attractive to me), and together those clogged up our drain and we had to have it snaked today. Not nearly as bad as i feared, but i do need to use a ton of water when washing my juicer off. It doesn't get ground up in the disposal as it is ground and can clump.

Now i am hungry for lunch and unsure what to eat. Maybe I won't juice fast today. Leftovers from last night it is.

This day ended up being a bit of a disaster overall. I fell asleep shortly after eating lunch. Woke up. Made two juices for a snack and the next day breakfast. We had to cancel our after work Halloween plans because i had to stay home, so we decided to go to the movie theater near our house that has Monday Night Football on the big screen and serves food and drink. I needed to eat before hand.

Dinner - Licorice Green Juice, Baked Kale Chips, Salad, 3 glasses white wine - yikes!!
Fennel - celery - cucumber - apple - lemon
This was really good, but didn't make a lot of juice.

While I was making the juices I baked some kale chips. I overcooked these and then had to eat them with a spoon as they were too shredded. This was really unsatisfying overall and I decided to make a salad too so i wasn't too tempted at the theater. Salad was Avocado Tomato Arugula. We are out of green onion, but i added pea shoots for some extra pizzazz. Also, have been trying to eat some sprouts with the microgreens and peas shoots as they are highly nutritional.

Left for MNF feeling a little too full, which was probably good. Was not tempted by food there. But gave into the craving for a drink and ended up having three glasses of fermented grape juice and i cannot even use that purple antioxidant excuse this time as I went house white. If I had stopped at two, i would forgive myself, but i went for 3 when we knew the game would go into overtime. Why did i do this? well I was bummed about missing halloween fun, losing a vacation day to the plumber, and just generally feel like i have been nonparticipatory in life since i started this diet. I wanted a bit of normalcy. I had fun and did enjoy the buzz, but wow, by bed time i had a whopping headache. I didn't take aspirin as we are supposed to avoid stuff on the reboot, but that was a mistake.

I did take the time to prepare lunch stuff when we got home last night so i wouldn't have to eat bananas all day the next day and that was really good - except in my impaired judgement state of mind, i ate half of it last night.

Late night snack - "pasta" with roasted veg.
Spaghetti Squash - Eggplant - Red Pepper - Zucchini - Garlic - Onion - Mushroom

Monday, October 31, 2011

Day 11

Weight: 172.2. Phew! Finally moving forward this weekend. Down 1.4 from yesterday and 8.2 in 10 days. Absolutely amazing. I am 3 pounds away from the best weight I've achieved in all my failed diet attempts of the last 3 years. I have gotten down from 180 to 169 several times, usually with a month of frustrating dieting and then i just give up and gain it back. This is faster and way less frustrating.

As for today, I guess overeating salad has less impact than overeating winter squash. Slept 11 hours last night. Feeling a bit better, but overall am still fighting the urge to spend the day in bed. Instead I will spend it watching football, but need to rally in order to go see my favorite musician tonight. Really looking forward to that. Though when i bought the tickets six months ago - i had imagined a fancy dinner before hand and instead, we will just go straight to the show. I wish i knew if how i feel this weekend is just a blip or what. Tomorrow we have social plans again and it is with the same crew as friday, so i'm past the awkwardness of explaining my eating plan with them.

Breakfast - Usual with a twist
Carrot - celery - apple - lemon - ginger - cucumber - romaine the twist was some cuttings from the cabbage and fennel from last nights dinner. I loved the fennel flavor and plan to experiment more with this.

Another horrible football day. This time our real team and our fantasy teams seriously struggled. What happened Drew Brees?

Exercise - 3 miles
Started walking, ended running a 10 minute mile. Feeling stronger.

Linner - Warm Autumnal Salad
Raw Kale and Microgreens with Roasted Butternut Squash, Fennel, Mushroom, Onion, and Garlic. Loved this. Didn't sit well with the husband.

Then we were off for the early show of my favorite musician. It was totally awesome. Played one of my favorites that I hadn't heard yet. Still trying to hold on to this lovely memory.

Cheat - had a glass of red wine at the show. This is a big cheat, but maybe not the worst as it is fermented grape juice and i am missing those purple antioxidants from my diet as of late.
The big thing is to not let it happen again.

So we were smug about choosing the early show and returning home with plenty of time to get all set up for Monday morning. I set out to make juice and then BAM - plumbing nightmare is back on. I swear our plumbing issue is like Freddy Kruger or some other Halloween villain that just won't die. I begin to wonder if juicing is destroying our plumbing? it is from the 50s. But I do put the bulk of the pulp in the compost. Alas tomorrow I am off on a vacation day as I've worked from home too many times for our house problems and don't want to upset my boss. But this is good because I get to relax instead of trying to work and deal with plumber at same time. I have promised husband I will be a big girl and not get upset and remorseful about our house as my angst is getting to him.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 10

Weight: 173.6. No change. Definitely overate. Plus feeling very tired and suffering from having period. (It's actually day 3 of that, but some how i feel worse and had a terrible time sleeping).

Our final stage of the plumbing nightmare is this morning. I didn't manage to make juice before they arrive and have to wait a few hours for breakfast.

Breakfast - Savory Green Juice for two
A bit strange, but good. 2 cloves garlic - half bunch parsley - 2 carrots - 1 persian cucumber - handful of spinach - 6 ribs celery

I decide since i don't want to do anything all day anyway, i will juice fast until sunset again. I totally just watched Halloween Themed tv today and tried to enjoy my lethargy.

Lunch - Faux Blood Punch
Beet - carrot - romaine - cucumber - celery - apple - lemon - ginger
One beet and this juice was a deep red

Sunset Dinner - Salad Duet with Dilled Cabbage
Mache Pomegranate Salad with olive oil, raw cider vinegar, nutritional yeast, pink salt
Celery Fennel with same dressing as above
Shredded Cabbage sauteed with dill, onion and caraway seed.
All three were good, but the pomegranate and the cabbage stood out. Husband ate them all, but then eagerly made himself a vegan sausage. I ended up overeating quite a bit because you can't save salad for the next day and i couldn't help myself with the cabbage. This is day two of eating too much. Need to figure this one out. Also feel like i have been using too much olive oil.

Day 9

Weight: 173.6. Up 0.4 from yesterday. Bummer. Sleeping super solid.

Fast morning.

Bfast - Green Juice
wheatgrass (nearly killed the juicer) - carrots - romaine - celery - cucumber - apple - lemon - ginger

Late morning snack - banana

Exercise - Actually ran 4 miles in 38 minutes with new running buddy yay!

Lunch - leftovers - more "pasta" and some of last nights Mexico inspired roasted veg

Dinner - had to cook at friend's. Was a bit awkward, but so great to see people and do something fun. TJs bag of brussels, bag of duet broccoli/cauliflower, and acorn squash. Some people had some of the green veg I made, but by 10 pm, i had eaten it all. Round two was to deal with the cravings coming from their post dinner snackings. Think i over ate a bit.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Day 8

Weight: 173.2. Down 1.6 from yesterday and 7.2 overall. wow.

No time to write anything down yesterday. It was a good day though.

Bfast - leftover juice
Lunch - leftover roasted veggie "pasta"
Jogged 3 miles
Dinner - Sweet potato, poblano, onion roasted with cumin, smoked paprika and oregano a top bed of baked kale. This was not my best by any means. Needed a lot of oil. Plus my favorite salad.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 7

Weight: 174.8. Down 0.8 from yesterday and 5.6 pounds overall. When I hit 169, that will be the lowest weight i've managed since starting grad school in 2008. And I have tried many different diets. The reboot is only 21 days and the others i've managed a month before going completely back to my old ways. Fortunately, the reboot is helping me with the emotional stuff more because it's a fast not a diet, but the thought of going back to normal really worries me.

I slept heavily last night and was completely surprised by the alarm. I am feeling a bit out of sorts given that i cannot use the sink. So i can not clean up or prepare anything. Fortunately, husband had set coffee up before we discovered problem. At least I have been able to connect with work and i really hope i can be effective working from here today.

Breakfast - Red Delicious and coffee
1 bunch beet greens - 2 apples - 2 carrots - 1 cucumber - 1 lemon - 1 knob ginger
This actually features galas, but i called it red delicious for the gorgeous magenta color derived from the beet greens - amazing. I had some of this last night and shared some with husband this morning, so not the full amount presented here.

Here's some info on nutritional yeast, which i have been using as my main seasoning during this reboot. This plumbing situation has taken over my kitchen and made me feel robbed blind.

Lunch - Odwalla Superfood (pastuerized)
Bottle claims 2.5 strawberries, 1/10 banana 1/2 peach, 1/5 apples, 1/5 mango and 1500 mg of spirulina are in it.

It must be the house stress, or perhaps that i can keep to a regular eating schedule today, or perhaps that my period is dead set on arriving shortly, but my desire to cheat today has held steady and is growing rapidly by the hour. I long for a bowl of lentils and a huge glass of red wine. Huge.

It's been an exhausting day. I managed to get all my work done, but i've been pretty morose about this plumbing thing. We are underwater and everything in our house keeps breaking (and neither of us are handy). I get really frustrated because i think our house isn't worth the effort. I know i need to get beyond this as it is a problem that sets me back regularly. Sigh. I get that i am fortunate. I still have the house and i can afford to fix it. i guess it is just not what i want from my life. woe is me.

In my work at home day tradition, i've kept to juice all day though one was small and pasteurized, so I decide in honor of the working plumbing i'll make two juices now so i can be ready for tomorrow and have a snack before dinner. I think I'll drink today's in a wine glass.

Very green lemonade
5 leaves kale - 1 head romaine - 1 cucumber - 5 celery stalks - 5 green cabbage leaves - 2 apples - 2 lemons

Faux vino nobile
2 beets - 6 carrots - 2 apples - knob ginger

I've now had a wine glass of each while writing this and if i could do it over i would add one more lemon and one more apple to the lemonade and more ginnger to the faux vino. both are good though. Hmm. More "wine" for me now :)

Took an epsom salt bath. Husband is out with co-workers tonight. Sitting here wallowing in how i should have refused the plumbing work. I feel pretty robbed. I should have said no and gotten another bid. I need to have more strength to do that.

Going to make baked cauliflower with smoked paprika for dinner and have that salad again.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 6

Weight: 175.6. Well it's not dramatic, but I am up from yesterday. Is that too much solid food or is that PMS? I wonder how this whole thing will effect my cycle?

I slept really well last night. My husband is wearing earplugs and I think that is helping us both. He seems a lot perkier too, though he is hard to wake up now.

Breakfast - Green Juice and coffee
3 leaves Kale - Handful of Spinach - 2 Apples - 3 Carrots - 1 Lemon - 4 Celery - Ginger
This made enough juice for two, but I think my husband is on a break from this and I'll drink it all this morning.

Late morning snack - Raw Persimmon
Thanks to co-worker's family tree. OMG this was delicious.

News from the day: I found a news article to justify my continued coffee drinking. I also note how much more fresh water I drink at work compared to home, which, in my mind, really justifies the Britta purchase yesterday. Last night we only drank Pelligrino though, which I am also a big fan of. And my co-worker asked if i would run with her on Friday! Very excited as my last running buddy moved to Shanghai. This will be great for me.

2nd late morning snack - banana

Exercise - 3 mile jog
Great run outside in gorgeous weather with a friend. I am feeling a bit sluggish though most likely as a result of this fast.

Lunch - Autumn Veggie Bake
Butternut squash, brussels sprouts, broccoli - left over from last night, still delish.

After work, walked 20 minutes in sunshine to meet husband at car in an attempt to avoid viadoom traffic. We still had to wait in incredible traffic. Husband had very frustrating day and desired beer. I agreed to stop at store with him and busied myself over-purchasing veggies while he selected a six pack.

Got home, began our combo of chores/cooking. He put away dishes and took out recycle, while i got to work on dinner. Mid-way through I discovered a bit puddle of water on the floor, he went to investigate sink and garbage disposal fell out of it. Absolute horror. We managed to get it cleaned up, but had to microwave dinner in the end. He enjoyed a beer after and i had a small glass of the juice I had made for breakfast tomorrow as my feel better drink. I have to work from home tomorrow to deal with the plumber, but i guess at least i can do mostly juice then. I have to say that the zen state and the juice somewhat helped as I was extremely upset. This is the 5th major issue we have had with our house since July. I am nervous that my boss is grumpy about how much i have had to work at home because of these problems.

Dinner - Roasted Vegetable "Pasta" and Salad
Spaghetti squash - eggplant - red pepper - zucchini - onion - mushroom - usual toppings
Spinach - avocado - green onion - tomato - usual dressing
I am still in my habit of chop up veggies to roast then make juice while they are roasting. This combo was excellent. The nutritional yeast braggs combo brought the spaghetti squash to new heights, i had tried it before with brown butter and sage, but this totally topped that. I could really eat this meal every day. Plus we are seriously loving that salad combo of the avocado/tomato/green onion. So good.

We ate late again re: problems with kitchen and watched two episodes of Luther. I love this show, but had been putting it off in favor of lighter stuff, but the grittiness of this show really matched the mood i was in last night. All in all, i think this reboot and the zen state helps me. This house stuff has put me in hysterics in the past and i think i recovered ok from the mini-coma that occurred when the dishwasher first fell out of the sink. my only concern is that in the end i told husband, please don't leave any beer with me while i am at home tomorrow, and he delightedly indulged in the whole six pack. I feel like i should have been stronger and not encouraged him to do that as it's too much and i feel for his liver now. I better give him some of my juice it has beets and other liver cleansers in it.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Day 5

Weight: 175.4. Same as yesterday. Not sure what to make of that.

I fell asleep fast last night, which was a relief, but man that early alarm was brutal. I did get my 7-8 hours though. I seemed a bit dehydrated this morning. Was very glad i organized most things last night and had the time and impulse to do some dishes this morning.

Breakfast - Green juice from yesterday and a bit of cold coffee.
I don't feel like i had enough coffee and seriously doubt this juice will get me through to lunch. Will probably eat early at the rate i am going.

11 am snack - banana

12:15 light lunch - Autumn Veggie Bake
Leftovers from last night - about 1.5 cups maybe

Exercise - Walk 3 miles
Didn't have it in me to run, but it was gorgeous out!

2 pm big lunch - Italian Veggie Bake
Asparagus, red pepper, mushroom, garlic, zucchini
This was seriously filling.

I felt fine today, but maybe a little too zen for the work. I'm not as quick and spaced a meeting. Fortunately, I was able to catch up and chat with the person I missed. As the day drew to a close though, all I could think about was happy hour and how desperately i wanted to go to it. It was almost a crippling sensation. I don't know if this is just the reality of work and mondays or if it has some other deeper meaning that i need to find a more fulfilling thing for myself or whatever. All i know is that happy hour is what i crave.

I resisted, despite the horrible traffic. We went to Home Depot and dealt with bundle number one of errands. Hit Costco for juicing supplies. Got gas. Went to the library. Unloaded the car. Fixed up the new Britta, did dishes, made juice for tomorrow, made roasted veggies and salad, fixed the coffee, made lunch and then finally settled down with Dancing with the Stars.

We didn't get to eat dinner until 9 with all the stuff we did. Amazingly I am just getting used to not eating much. But I am a little worried that after 3 meals of roasted veggies and perhaps too much olive oil, I'll be up in weight tomorrow. Plus I am PMSing. Sigh. I need to relax about this and not get obsessive. I'm following the rules and I could use the extra fuel after a mostly juice weekend, but I also do not want to mess up all the good work i've done.

Dinner - Autumn Veggie Bake and Salad
Roasted Butternut Squash, Chanterelles, Broccoli, and Brussels Sprouts with the same topping. Arugula, Spinach, Tomato, Green Onion, Avocado, with the same topping as on the bake.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Day 4

Weight: 175.4. 0.2 loss. Not much, but that is probably healthier and maybe that means yesterday's loss is real, since I didn't gain? 5 lbs total loss in 3 days.

I woke up feeling pretty good. No detox symptoms to speak of and my eyes seemed less puffy than usual. Though I have not done much today. Just emails and football. Looks like both my real team and my fantasy team are sucking today.

Last night I felt bad that I hadn't done anything spa like today, so i foam rolled and then lay in shavasana pose with my head in the neck cradle and a cold eye mask on. My husband played the guitar for me as I lay there. It was super relaxing.

Despite my relaxation, I still had a hard time falling asleep. It's like i am too energetic. Once I fell asleep though, I slept super well.

Breakfast - Grapefruit Juice for two and coffee
3 Grapefruits

I've now been awake for 3 hours and that is all i had. My husband has reminded me to have more. It's weird because I haven't event thought about food. Highly unusual as I am normally food obsessed. Off to make some lunch juice.

Lunch - V28 from the reboot
3 Beets, 2 Carrots, 2 ribs Celery, 4 Tomatoes, 1/2 bunch parsley, 1 serrano pepper, 12 radishes
Reboot reports these stats for the juice Calories: 340, Protein: 17 g, Fiber: 2 g. I had half of this and my husband had the other half. It was sweet hot, but decent. I may go back to my usual juice soon as yesterday's mojito juice was a little weird too. My husband thought the lime was bitter.

Well, my fantasy team recovered, but my real team did not. And my husband has a migraine. I am a little perplexed about this. He says he's been fighting it all week, but he has been eating healthier than normal while i do this and i've been sharing my juice with him. I would think he'd be feeling as good as i do. One thought is that he isn't eating enough since I am not cooking for him as i usually do. He has lost 2 pounds in these 3 days. I heated up some bean curry from trader joe's for him while he rested with some Excedrin. The food seemed to do him some good. I tried really hard not to covet it while i was preparing it. I did have an insane hunger for it, while i was standing right over the bowl, but then i gave it to him and turned to the blog and was fine. I may eat solid food a little earlier than usual today. Food and excedrin seem to have improved his condition, but we are clearly going to be very lazy today. Scratch that, he's off to bed with Maxalt.

I honestly am a little nervous about tomorrow, when I leave this little weekend oasis I've been in. I hadn't planned on juicing this much, but I'm into it and just following my bliss here. But tomorrow I will definitely be going back to more solid food. I need to think ahead for that and prepare my lunch tonight. Maybe getting through tomorrow will merit my first reward!

We are planning to go to costco tomorrow and that will be good for my juice coffers. I have used up all the radishes, beets, mint, and cucumbers that i bought yesterday. Plus half the parsley and 2/3s the limes. Going to try to run now.

Exercise - 3 mile jog
Ran fast at times, but then would have to walk because I obviously don't have enough in the tank
to do a serious run right now. Finished with my usual time. The intervals were very effective at making me sweat out the toxins. I am just dripping. Note though the theory of whether sweat actually detoxes you is controversial and it is important to replenish your fluids. Off to shower.

Hmm. Well, I must say between football being a bust today and my husband's migraine, I am starting to feel bored today. This is bad because i start to think the diet is isolating me and I am extroverted. It's 4pm and i've got 6 hours to kill until bedtime and no plans and not even much in the way of chores to do.

My husband decides a solo walk with music is the answer to his headache. I decide to busy myself with preparing for tomorrow and make juice (kale - apple - carrot - celery - romaine - ginger). And three sets of roasted veggies. This is a lazy way to cook, but it's an easy all vegetable meal. My husband texts from walk and offers to bring home more veggies. I am excited thinking he is better, but instead he vomits as soon as he gets home. I wonder if this is flu and not migraine? I tuck him back into bed and feel quite discouraged. Too listless to bother tidying up in the kitchen I decide to drink some of the juice I made for tomorrow in the hopes that it perks me up.

And it worked, plus husband started to feel better. We watched walking dead and all is right in the world again.

Dinner - Autumn Veggie Bake and Salad
Same dinner as yesterday plus arugula, avocado, tomato and green onion. Salad was divine as was veggie bake, however i think i am seriously overcooking my roasted veg.

Accomplishments - lunches packed for tomorrow.

Forgot spa thing. Am sore from run. Will probably have to rest a bit.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Day 3

Weight: 175.6. Wow. That is quite a loss. 3.6 pounds in one day and 4.8 in two days. I immediately begin to doubt the loss can be maintained without continuing to juice for most of my meals.

Honestly, I don't feel that great this morning. i don't know if that is the detox (i had the coated tongue, a big symptom) or the dramatic weight loss or running or the cold that my husband and i have been dealing with. he is not feeling that great this morning either and has been eating normally.

Nonetheless, eating the solid food last night never did make my headache go away and i couldn't sleep well because of it. I finally fell asleep around 2 and slept until 10 or so. I guess I actually did get 8 hours and it is the weekend, so I guess that is actually not too bad. I guess also as i sip my coffee and type this i am starting to feel better (although now that i am detoxing i wonder if i should give that up as well). Keeping track of the journey like this is pretty cathartic. I think i'll go make some juice.

Breakfast - Basic Juice for two
2 carrots, 1 apple, 4 ribs celery, 1 head romaine, 1 lemon, 1 knob ginger

I got upset about something and acted like a real bitch to my husband. And then tried to make it up to him by being really honest about why i behaved badly. This is new and I think really positive. It doesn't make up for my bitchiness, but I feel like we moved forward in some way.

I went to go meet a friend and instead of having food or coffee or anything, we just sat and talked. it was really refreshing. I always thought i couldn't be social if i am trying to be careful about what i am eating. instead we just focused on the conversation. I told her all about what i am doing and we went vegetable shopping together. $20 later i am inspired to try a bunch of juice recipes. So far it's 3:40. I've been up since 10 am and have only had half the above juice for sustenance today, but I am feeling really good. Though my husband just came in here and said "you need to juice right now to keep your energy up today" and i think he's right. Off to juice!

Lunch - Mojito Juice for two
2 apples, 2 limes, 2 cucumbers, 1 head romaine, a few sprigs of mint (one store package)

When I went downstairs to give my husband his juice I discovered he'd started a big project in the basement. We spent the next two hours completely reorganizing the main room down there. It looks awesome! We moved the treadmill to a better spot and I decided to try it out.

Exercise - 3 mile jog
I am getting faster, this might have even qualified as a run. I sweat a ton and had to shower before dinner. Also feeling like juice is energizing me despite slow start this AM.

Dinner - Autumn Veggie Bake for two
I popped 2 sweet potatoes, 2 cups brussels sprouts, 2 cups chanterelle mushrooms, 1 small onion, and 6 cloves garlic in before my run. It maybe cooked too long, i really enjoyed the melty brussels. My husband had his half with a vegan apple sausage and we both had nutritional yeast, braggs, olive oil, pepper, and pink salt.
Bed time tea

Water: 5 cups + 375 ml pelligrino

My friend asked me about protein and I told her what the website says, that vegetables have enough protein to sustain us the 15 days, but i've added nutritional yeast to my list of allowed spices as it has protein and b12 and is better than soy sauce in my mind. I am keeping the spices and oil to a minimum though, but this was still delicious. It tasted thoroughly indulgent after having juice all day.

No spa-like thing today. I spilled my fancy serum sample from the aesthetician and I'm very sad about it. I hadn't decided if i was for sure going to splurge on this for myself yet, and now i guess it's first in line for my reward. Now i have to figure out when i get rewards though, so it's probably good this prompted it.

Accomplishments: dishes, basement, saw friend, bought suet, bought veggies.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Day 2

Weight: 179.2. Down 1.2 pounds in one day. I'm not really sure what to make of that since my weight fluctuates a lot anyway.

Thoughts from last night: I was jealous of my husband getting to eat other types of food, but I also think it is good because when I see it in the house i think, oh i should just eat that or it will go to waste, but then i remember no, he will eat that. So it is good that i am doing this by myself as it is hard to clear out a pantry of temptations before starting anything. Also worth noting, I slept well and he didn't. I doubt this is really related to the differences in our eating yesterday, but maybe it is?

This morning I received an email from the reboot nutritionist saying that 21 days is ok, but I should talk to my doctor. I'm sure that was a CYA move on their part, but I should note that if I start to feel bad, I will follow their guidelines for transitioning back. The worst thing would be to binge on junk food, but if i need to eat some rice or beans on day 16, i think that is ok. I don't really want to talk to the doctor. I do have health insurance, but I do not have a regular doctor, so I would be going to see someone i've never met and that has no appeal.

Breakfast - Fresh Juice and coffee
(1 carrot, 2 celery ribs, 1 cucumber, 1/2 apple, 1/4 inch ginger, 1 lemon, 1/4 head romaine - delicious!) Note, I had this at 7:30 am and by 10:30 am starving. Was thinking of doing juice all day today. Stay tuned for that one.

Lunch - Carrot Apple Ginger Juice
2 carrots, 1 apple, 1 knob ginger
I got absorbed in work for awhile and forgot i was hungry, then decided to go ahead and make juice. Was pretty inspired and made 3 different kinds and then decided i could be a real super hero and workout while my juice chilled in the fridge.

Exercise - 3 mile jog
Did it on the treadmill while watching vampire diaries. Took me the entire 40 minutes. I started slow and gradually increased my speed. It didn't feel terrible, but I had to fight the urge to quit almost the whole time. Fortunately in this episode Elena is getting fit so she can fight the "bad" vampires, so that kept me from wimping out. Drank full water bottle on Tmill and then promptly drank carrot juice. Very sweaty.

Afternoon Snack - Grapefruit Juice
3 Grapefruits
Detox Tea

Dinner - Green juice
1 head romaine, 4 ribs celery, 1 lemon, 1 cucumber, bit of ginger.

About 2 hours after that, I got desperately hungry and my head started to hurt, so I decided to eat some whole vegetables. Part of me wanted to do the full juice day, but I'm in the entry program, which doesn't require juicing and i don't want to get discouraged. So...

Second Dinner - Italian Roasted Salad
Same as yesterday, but no tomato sauce.
Mint Licorice Tea

Thoughts for the day: I think that I will reboot more effectively if I couple my efforts with some spa and other personal care type treatments. Not only can they help me detox, but feeling relaxed and pampered will help keep me motivated. I am looking out for groupons for this purpose, but in the mean time I took an epsom salt bath. Not only was it super relaxing, it also helps to reduce inflammation in the body. I loofahed my skin twice, shaved and used my olay facial brush.

In the past, I haven't succeeded in losing weight because it is a rather spartan endeavor and i start to feel cut off from others or like i never have any fun. I realize though, that this weight problem of mine is holding me back from truly having fun with others. I will feel more happy with myself if i do this, and that confidence will generate more fun for me in the future. However, while I am doing the spartan thing, spa treatments will surely help!

Water: 4 cups + 375 ml pelligrino

Accomplishments: met with electrician, met with window guy, filled bird feeders, fixed fantasy football team, dishes, catboxes, bathroom tub, took out trash, took out recycle.

Will be very curious as to how I will feel tomorrow.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Day 1

Start Weight: 180.4. This is up a bit from my "last supper" last night. A healthy weight for my height can range from 110-140. I've got some work to do.

Breakfast - Smoothie and coffee
About 2 cups of frozen tropical fruit mix
1 container Vita Cocoa Coconut Water (only form of coconut allowed in program)
Note - this was probably too high sugar. The program recommends mixing fruit and veggies for smoothies. It was great though! You are also not supposed to have coffee, however not drinking coffee holds no interest for me, so I am ignoring that advice.

Mid-Morning Snack - Raw Veggies
1/2 cup broccoli, 1/2 large carrot, 2 ribs celery
Peach Detox Tea

Lunch - Autumn Roasted Veggie Mix
1 Sweet Potato, 1 Cup Brussels Sprouts, dab of olive oil and pink salt

Afternoon Snack - Raw Apple

Dinner - Roasted Italian Salad
Raw Kale lightly dressed with lemon, braggs, pink salt, olive oil and nutritional yeast topped with fresh tomato sauce and lightly roasted Italian vegetables. (About 1 Cup of Kale, 1 Tomato, 2 cloves Garlic, 1/4 Onion, 1/2 small eggplant, 1/2 red pepper, and 4 mushrooms.)

Overall thoughts on meals for the day - maybe not enough raw stuff, trying not to over cook stuff. Note all measurements are approximate, but it looks like - Fruit Servings: 5. Vegetable servings: 13? Wow. Have not been hungry.

Water - 4 cups plus 1 Liter Bubbly Water

Exercise: 3 mile jog
Was a tiny bit sluggish, but this was likely do to lack of exercise lately more than new diet.

Thoughts: I realize that I have been unsuccessful in losing weight because I have been living moment to moment and reacting to situations rather than planning ahead for them. I need to be thinking more about my long term goals and developing a plan to get there. Also, I realized that I always put this off because "I haven't lost weight yet." I have definitely caught myself thinking "I can't do that until i lose weight" more than once today.

And it's not just long term plans. I planned ahead for what I would eat this morning and for lunch and that made me successful today. I will have to think more about this and less about instant gratification to get me through these 21 days.

What kind of stuff have I been putting off you might ask? Things that popped into my head today are: horseback riding lessons, yoga retreats, parkour classes and buying pants that fit. I bought a groupon to remedy the horseback riding. Now I just need to schedule it (and get into my riding pants and feel fit enough to get on a horse, LOL).

Some potential rewards for sticking to the program: test drive the MINI that I covet and buy the facial serum that I think I might need. Also worth noting, I have heard that plant based cleanses can really improve your skin and I find that very motivating as I've noted some sun damage. And, at 35, I have started to notice my aging a bit, so I want to make an effort to be more on top of this.

Other: I did have an afternoon slump, but managed to get some stuff done after work. Went to library, did dishes, made juice for tomorrow morning, fed cats, and remembered to put on night cream.

My Reboot Entry

This morning I started the Reboot Entry Program from Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. The program is for people who aren't really ready to juice fast, but want to benefit from a plant based reboot of the system. I am hoping to lose some weight and gain some perspective.

I recently finished a graduate program and gained 30 pounds during it. I was a bit overweight before starting graduate school, but I was a runner and close to hitting the 2 hour mark for the half marathon. I couldn't be further from that now and I feel a bit lost. I thought after finishing school that it would be easy to lose weight, but so far, I lost ten pounds and then re-gained it as soon as I stopped putting the effort in. I have also stopped and started a number of exercise programs. But I seem to be holding really steady at the weight I achieved in grad school. Achieved. HA!

So maybe it's crazy to do something even more extreme after I've fiddled about with so many things and been unsuccessful at sticking to them. And maybe it is. But i am starting to feel a little desperate and the idea of rebooting is appealing. Like this is a time out. Hopefully, I will emerge from this feeling lighter and with more perspective on what I want from myself in the coming year.

The Reboot Entry Program is basically a vegetables only diet. I'm allowed a dab of olive oil and seasonings, but will make an effort to keep this minimal. You can blend, cook or juice. Juicing of course is encouraged. Joe's website recommends 15 days, but I am going to go for 21. I have done a number of 30 day efforts already this year that lasted for exactly those 30 days. But I am hoping that the results of the 21 days will motivate me to continue or that this blog will help me move into phase two in a more healthy way (ie don't just regain the weight and go back to my old self).