Friday, November 11, 2011

Day 22

Weight: 172.8. No change. Did not sleep well as was fretting about wallet etc and have been in a truly bad mood all day. I really should not be in a bad mood. I can only think it's because my follow through hasn't been so good lately and i am not losing any more weight.

Breakfast - Acai Berry Juice

We got the amazing good news that some beautiful stranger turned in my husband's wallet to building management and he got it back with all the cash inside it. A total miracle, yet negative nelly that i am this morning is focused on dealing with all our canceled cards. I need to focus on how incredible it is that someone was so honest and awesome. We are very lucky and live in a beautiful place.

Other reasons I should be happier today. It's sunny and I got to see my husband for a quick tea and hug as he picked up his wallet from the building management office. A hug which i really needed. So really life is good. Need to take note of that.

Late morning snack - kashi granola bar

Exercise - 3 mile jog with friend. Beautiful sunny fall day. Tried to linger as long as i could outside.

Lunch - Punjab Eggplant from Trader Joes.
Super yum, simple eggplant tomato vegan curry.

Snack - co-worker brought around A-MAZ-ING chocolate. not vegan. so so good. i resisted having a second one. and that was big.

I received a promo code to start up my old CSA again and went for it. So excited. Kinda getting bored of the same old veggies. Plus they have some cool green grocer items that look awesome. Can't wait for first delivery.

After work, we were off to our wine club mixer. I was hesitant to go as it's been a busy week and both of us were pretty worn out from the wallet debacle. But if we don't go, it's difficult to pick up our club wine. Traffic was super light and we arrived early and were able to grab some hummus and watch a bit of the game before hand. I thought I was full when we arrived to the mixer, but I was obsessed with getting snacks there and not vegan ones. I can only chock it up to being tired and feeling a bit out of place there as the friends we'd invited couldn't make it as they are sick and under a lot of stress. Despite all that once we got home and were enjoying our shows, both of us were super hungry again. This odd eating is a problem. i am not getting enough veg and i don't feel full because of it. By this time, my cooking interests weren't too healthy either.

Dinner - hummus, pita, veg, fried okra, wine, two small pastries, lots of little squares of cheese, one cracker, 3 nuts, a few bites of chocolate, wine tasting, cheese quesadilla, tomato, green onion, fried egg


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