Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 22

Weight: 172.8. No change. That seems like a miracle after my decadence last night. Maybe I need to put new batteries in the scale. No work today, yay Veterans! I slept awesome and am super happy to have a 3 day weekend in store for me.

I was planning to juice fast today, but there is an epic windstorm coming in and instead i feel like today is a good day for a soup fast. LOL. Plus I just got Heidi Swanson's Super Natural Every Day cookbook from the library and it seems like a good day for epic cooking. Sigh. How will I ever lose weight?

My skin has been breaking out this week and I really can't figure out why. Plus i've felt pretty emotional. I am no where near the end of my cycle, so i'm at a loss. Need to be more focused on washing face when i get home from work.

Set out to make two juices this morning, but still seriously dreaming of cooking soups and roasted vegetables. Plus I do need to clear out the fridge of veggies before I can shop again, so really I should cook a lot today. LOL.

Breakfast - Cranapple
2 cups cranberries - 3 apples - 1 carrot
So divinely good. Will be tough to settle for Oceanspray in the future. Half way through my bag of cranberries from costco and may buy more!

The green juice I made should be more interesting than usual - first off it had a touch of cranapple in it, then i tried out a little bell pepper and used melon instead of apple and it gave me some ideas for trying again with mojito juice, but right now i am super burnt out on juicing. that took forever.

I decided to finish up the mystery novel i'd been reading before doing anything else today. it's perfect for the windy weather. Though it was a good book, there was all sorts of dining and drinking in it. I finished it wanting a big glass of wine and some real food. I decide onion soup is a good compromise and set out to make it.

Lunch - onion soup, wine
The soup I made was super good, but I had a gut reaction to it that kept me busy in the bathroom the rest of the day. Sorry for the TMI, but this soup seems to be the secret for relieving slow elimination!!

I never end up having the juice I made this morning, but instead give into the pull of cooking projects. I make lentil soup and roasted root vegetables. Two of my top comfort foods. I also decide I desperately need some cheese in my life after the effect of the onion soup.

Dinner - grilled cheese, lentil soup, roasted roots, wine, beer.

Ok - so not the uber healthy juice fasting day I had planned, but it was relaxing and cozy. All that crankiness i've been carrying around really dissipated. The trick will be to have a healthier day tomorrow. I need to get some chores done!

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